
Liability and insurance in general

The main objective of our activity is to defend the victim vis-à-vis insurance companies and the protection of their rights in relation to the different medical, technical, legal and business operators that, due to their own interests or a lack of diligence, prevent the full reparation of the damage.

We offer our clients the necessary advice in order to claim the compensation they are entitled to, in all the cases where a person, company, or even the Administration has caused damage/injury to them, and where such parties must account for their Liability with the payment of compensation.

Furthermore, we also offer our clients comprehensive advice about how to resolve any type of conflict that has arisen with their own Insurance Company in order to get the latter to fulfil what was contracted in the policy.

We guarantee the client maximum professionalism, specialisation and total Independence in relation to these operators, especially with insurance companies, thus focussing our effort on not only attaining maximum compensation for the injured party, but also, offering complete support, at both a medical and scientific level for each case, and to do so we have a significant selection of first-rate medical and scientific professionals who collaborate with our Firm in order to achieve these objectives.

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